B2Broker CEO Raises Red Flag on Social Media Scams

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B2Broker CEO Raises Red Flag on Social Media Scams

B2Broker CEO Raises Red Flag on Social Media Scams


The emergence of the digital age and prevalence of the internet has brought with it an influx of online scams which many of us are all too familiar with.To get more news about B2Broker CEO Raises Red Flag on Social Media Scams, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
  Scams occur in various forms such as phishing emails, social media platforms and mobile phone SMS and can involve credit card theft, stolen login credentials and identity theft.
  The latter is one of the most common and is where someone tries deceptively to extract sensitive information and money from you. Undoubtedly, online scammers will always be around in situations like these where there is money to be made.
  One thing that is clear is that it is a concerning situation that requires users to be vigilant at all times in order to ensure you are dealing with a legitimate entity.
  B2Broker is a high-profile company in the Fintech sector and often comes in contact with those conducting fraudulent activities in its dealings both with the public at large and its clients.
  Activities like these bring with them negative repercussions which many in the industry are familiar with.
  B2Broker is very aware of the many sophisticated scams in existence – Bitcoin ponzi schemes and fake investments, to name a few.
  Perhaps one of the best known scams in recent years concerns one where $2 million worth of cryptocurrency was lost to Twitter scammers impersonating Tesla and SpaceX CEO, Elon Musk with the promise of huge returns.
  Tesla aside, we are also familiar with scammers and have on various occasions been notified of cases where they have approached our customers disguised as our company CEO.
  These people adopt a blatant disregard for legitimacy and conduct their fake businesses quite convincingly.
  To highlight the case with an example, CEO Arthur Azizov was alerted to a fake Facebook account not long ago that was set up using his profile.
  Clearly the account was created for the sole purpose of extracting money from Facebook users under the pretence of Arthur selling B2Broker products and services – but it was an outright scam. This incident is not the first for the company CEO who has previously been subjected to fake social media accounts, most prolifically on Instagram.
The emergence of the digital age and prevalence of the internet has brought with it an influx of online scams which many of us are all too familiar with.
  Scams occur in various forms such as phishing emails, social media platforms and mobile phone SMS and can involve credit card theft, stolen login credentials and identity theft.
  The latter is one of the most common and is where someone tries deceptively to extract sensitive information and money from you. Undoubtedly, online scammers will always be around in situations like these where there is money to be made.
  One thing that is clear is that it is a concerning situation that requires users to be vigilant at all times in order to ensure you are dealing with a legitimate entity.
  B2Broker is a high-profile company in the Fintech sector and often comes in contact with those conducting fraudulent activities in its dealings both with the public at large and its clients.
  Activities like these bring with them negative repercussions which many in the industry are familiar with.
  B2Broker is very aware of the many sophisticated scams in existence – Bitcoin ponzi schemes and fake investments, to name a few.
  Perhaps one of the best known scams in recent years concerns one where $2 million worth of cryptocurrency was lost to Twitter scammers impersonating Tesla and SpaceX CEO, Elon Musk with the promise of huge returns.
  Tesla aside, we are also familiar with scammers and have on various occasions been notified of cases where they have approached our customers disguised as our company CEO.
  These people adopt a blatant disregard for legitimacy and conduct their fake businesses quite convincingly.
  To highlight the case with an example, CEO Arthur Azizov was alerted to a fake Facebook account not long ago that was set up using his profile.
  Clearly the account was created for the sole purpose of extracting money from Facebook users under the pretence of Arthur selling B2Broker products and services – but it was an outright scam. This incident is not the first for the company CEO who has previously been subjected to fake social media accounts, most prolifically on Instagram.
