Does anybody have anything helpful I may need to know more about the colors

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Does anybody have anything helpful I may need to know more about the colors of mort'ton mini-game? I have been playing with it for over 9 hours and I have a silver essential to get into the deepest part of the catacombs. I have collected over 200-300 FIYR REMAINS and burnt off almost all them but haven't received one gold key yet. I know most of the help guides say this key is rare and can be obtained with chances of 1 in 100, but this really is quite ridiculous. I must also know whether it's possible or even probable that the"Necromancer Kit" is a guaranteed loot from the gold mines?

I have trained with this specific game for over a week now just to obtain the necromancer kits to use on my Dagon Hai robes. I've 30 fine fabrics in my bank waiting to use. All I want now is three of those kits to utilize on each respective peice of my Dagon hai robes now, however I'm having such a challenging time getting any keys into the golden mines buy RuneScape gold that"can" or"might not" contain these fabled kits.
