"First they came for the socialists" a modern rewrite

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A modern rewrite of German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller's poem "First they came for the socialists" rewritten to fit modern times.

First, the mob came for the Nazis, and I did not speak out- because "Fuck the Nazis am I right? They are the worst people alive, everyone hates the Nazis. They must be Nazis, a bunch of people I think are cool say so! Who cares about those people anyway?"

Then, the mob and the Media called Trump and his follower's racist Nazis, and I didn't speak out- Because "Fuck that racist Cheeto faced fuck, and the deplorable fly-over inbred scum he rode in on! Am I right? They must be Nazis. The media and everyone I agree with says so! Who cares about those people anyway?"

Then the mob, the media, and "right thinking" leftists intellectuals labeled anything to do with "whiteness," "European culture," "reason," "logic," "objectivity," "science," "America," "capitalism," "the Enlightenment," "Christianity," and the Nuclear Family to be secretly Nazi racist, fascistic, imperialistic and entirely socially unacceptable. I did not speak out- because "I'm on their side, so there is no way they are talking about me. They are probably right about most of this, I just didn't realize. I kinda worry about how many prominent people I used to respect before I was told not to have spoken out about this movement, but they must be wrong because look at all the backlash they are getting. I don't want to rock the boat about the parts I disagree with, and besides, it's all worth it if we can get the fucking Cheeto and his racist, nazi coalition out of office. They must be Nazi's, all "Right Thinking" people say so. Who cares about those people anyway?"

Then the mob, the Media, all right-thinking people, and the "glorious new government" we created after tearing down the old came for me-
