Legion really didn't hit its classic wow gold stride

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Legion really didn't hit its classic wow gold stride until nicely through the expansion, maybeannually in? Even then you couldn't actually sit down and"create a build" (complete wep, distinct legendaries, etc) until theconclusion of the xpac. I enjoyed legion howeve

 Legion really didn't hit its classic wow gold stride until nicely through the expansion, maybeannually in? Even then you couldn't actually sit down and"create a build" (complete wep, distinct legendaries, etc) until theconclusion of the xpac. I enjoyed legion however there were lots of problems with it, especially in the first half.

BfA wasdefinitely not amazing in a lot of abilities, but given how every expansion has been treated previously I'm excited to see howhistory becomes revised for/against it.Balance at the Beginning and healer/tank equilibrium throuout was really bad and the firstraid was kinda crap, but I agreeOH yeah and it was horrifically alt and even offspecc unfriendly.Ursoc I enjoyed, I do not mind asimple brute force fight every now and then.With a couple shadow priest surrendering and bypassing a lot of it made it ratherbearable.

And the biggest prune in the history of WoW, and the AP farming spamming Maw of Souls to get the required AP level, andAP being spec-specific, and no catchup in AK for about a year that made alt specs and alts all but impossible, and the Suramartimegating, and templates for PVP, and grinding honor on each character to unlock PVP talents, and the garbage Argus patch, alongwith timegating class campaign which was required for buy wow classic gold the third relic slot, along with also the Netherlight crucible, and the besttrinket for the whole expansion for a number of specs being in an RNG world manager. But yeah, Legion was perfect.

If I did notknow better, I'd believe somebody telling me bfa was the precursor to Legion.This is because the systems used in BFA was designedfor Legion and was executed in their pinnacle in the Legion systems. When BFA tried to reuse these systems nevertheless differ,the only way to be different was to be worse. Leveling a weapon up and unlocking trendy new abilities and power as you go? 
