Madden gamer actually does not want to hear this

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Sure it's a positive step and Madden 21 coins I am glad that they are finally addressing improving the franchise mode. However, the fact that it's going to take over 2 fucking weeks for us to get 4 minor upgrades is absurd. This leads me to believe that the coding and/or preparation of franchise style is so fucking broken that it will take 2 months to implement minor quality of life upgrades. Don't get me wrong, I am glad they're finally addressing franchise mode, but the time it'll take for us to get them is fucking absurd. And if it takes two fucking weeks for a part 1 of 3 to arrive, then just how fucking long until we get part two? And how much fucking more time to get part 3?

Part 1 will drop when some groups are already eliminate from qualifying for the fucking playoffs. At that speed, we will most likely be fucking lucky if we get a part 2 before the Super Bowl. If EA really gave a shit then they would prioritize these fucking upgrades and get them out in a reasonable and timely fucking method. However, they don't fucking care in any way.

(Here is where, necessarily, a person wonders why we can't have sports video games performed MMO-style, where there is a foundation game and then possibly a subscription price, together with iterative development served through expansions and routine updates. And here's whereagain, I say that when an MMO version created as much money -- for the leagues and the players that allow the rights to make these games -- as an yearly packaged-goods strategy does, they would have attempted it sometime in the last ten years.)

Inside this console generation, the biggest breakthrough to career mode quality of existence was in condensing lengthy seasons into their most action-packed matches, and even individual moments. Madden, MLB The Show, and NBA 2K all attracted this aboard years ago. Fans are fine with such items being an on-ramp into the career mode (such as in NBA 2K) or a background supplement to it (like in MLB The Display ).

I know: The sport gamer actually does not want to hear this. Nobody in video gaming does. But sports gamers -- dependent as they are about the licensing whims of the leagues and large corporations -- especially resent the thought that their tastes and informed appraisal are thrown out with a customer identification that finds great enough, well, good enough. Yet sometimes, that is exactly what the numbers tell us. These are not the best games, and cheapest mut 21 coins these aren't the worst matches. They never are.
