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In 2020, the internet RPG will be getting its first significant expansion since 2018, with the release of classic wow gold Shadowlands. Developer Blizzard revealed its release date using a trailer shown in Gamescom.

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The last couple of weeks have given us not only the launch date for Shadowlands but also the first two episodes .Afterlives" have already been published. In the same manner, Warbringers, Harbingers, and Lords of War set the stage for BfA, Legion, and WoD, respectively; Afterlives provides us a peek into some of the phenomena from the shadowlands before we arrive there. If you've missed any of these, I strongly advise checking out them. Not only are they interesting, but they're always very well done and a great intro to an expansion, especially for anybody who not super up on the lore. However, before we can get to Shadowlands, we have to do Pre-Patch!

For anyone not knowledgeable about the"Pre-Patch" term, it's the patch prior to a new expansion goes live. During pre-patch, each one the substantial system and buy wow classic gold course changes will go into effect, and generally, there's also an event which takes location and is only accessible during pre-patch. This time around, all character levels will be squished down (maximum level until Shadowlands goes live will probably be 50), all corruptions on gear will become inactive, and the class talent and skill changes will also go live. However, the Heart of Azeroth Essences and Azerite Gear Talents won't become inactive until we visit the shadowlands.c
