Rocket League Items Shop pinnacle ten submissions to the opposition will win prize

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Rocket League Items Shop pinnacle ten submissions to the opposition will win prize

cheap manner to tilt your combatants. With perfect timing, a demolition Rocket League Items may be a devastating and specific device to create a scoring opportunity or to prevent opponents from generating offensive momentum.

Now that Sledge has taught us the splendor of the demo (and a way to keep away from them!), he's celebrating hitting 30,000 career demolitions with a $3,000 contest to discover "the maximum savage performs in Rocket League".

Contestants have till June 8 to tweet clips created the usage of Gif Your Game with the hashtag #Sledge3K, or by using filing the clip thru Discord the use of the instructions in the video. The Rocket League Items Shop pinnacle ten submissions to the opposition will win prize money, with the writer of the winning clip receiving $1,000.
