Players can visit the most popular Joe Biden's Island at Animal Crossing

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As the U.S. presidential election date approached, Joe Biden's team launched an official Animal Crossing island and proposed a unique and innovative way to connect with supporters. A new virtual office was launched in Animal Crossing New Horizons for players to visit.

Biden's Island House is one of the main attractions, and the island was converted into a campaign site office. Entering the office, you can see a coffee machine and a cup on the table at first glance, as well as a laptop, typewriter and brochures. If you meet some interesting villagers in the game, you can use Buy Bells Animal Crossing or Nook Miles Tickets to redeem.

Another attraction is the area designed to represent the polling center with many polling stations. You will see a huge promotional logo for the IWillVote website and an explanation of the voting plan list. Biden will also walk on the island. Players can use Joe Biden's profile picture to take a virtual selfie with him on the island. If you want to talk to him, he will reply to you "No malarkey".

Greg and Gary showed off the promotion island called Biden HQ by visiting Dream Code. Players can browse Biden's islands on the Switch console. A person needs to fall asleep in their bed, and tap in the dream, Luna will prompt them to provide the dream address code. The code for visiting Biden's headquarters is DA-7286-5710-7478.

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