Shield Rolling is the full name of this skill, which was created because Fat Tuan Tuan is not very good at playing melee occupations. He can only use the occupation teaching of other anchors and then recommend it to everyone based on his or her own understanding of the subject matter. Please provide additional information. The barbarian, the big strong man in the selected character in the game interface, the warrior or the thug from the sublimated occupation are all recommended occupations for this skill.
It is also possible to play the Defender in the sublimation profession from the Duelist's perspective; of course, the Champion and the Executioner are also viable options; however, nobles are not recommended for this profession. The following are the differences between the three occupations:
The first group is comprised of thugs. In theory, the burst damage is the most severe, but there is virtually no defense against it. In light of the fact that monster damage has been increased this season, novice players should make their choices carefully.
Those who prefer stand-up careers because of their high burst damage combined with skill and armor enhancements are advised to do so.
Second, warriors are much tougher than thugs, and while their damage may not be as great as that of thugs, it is not easy to die violently, and POE 2 Orbs is a difficult profession to make a living;
As a result, while the guards' survivability is relatively high, their damage is not nearly as effective as that of the thugs, and their advantage lies in the defense mechanism of double block.
The final champion is associated with an occupation that includes both offense and defense, as well as permanent body protection and injury reduction, and is associated with an occupation that includes both offense and defense; and
Both the national server and the international server's choice for the BD of the Guardian receive 15% of the vote, according to WG's statistics. The international server recommends the skill shield throw, while the national server recommends either shield rush or shock wave as an alternative. This season, the shield throw has been improved, and it can be thrown near or far, but everyone is familiar with the auxiliary skills.
Skill sets that are recommended: Spirit
Protection Throwing, Evil Throwing, Brutality, Abnormal Burst, Rapid Corruption, and Paralysis are all skills that can be learned.
Shield Crush is a melee attack. The following spells deal physical damage: Multistrike, Shatter, Bodyguard.
Shockwave auxiliary skills are used in conjunction with Whirlwind Slash to deal additional damage. This BD is recommended by an unknown boss in International Server 173: "This BD is recommended by an unknown boss."Whirlwind Slash: Weapon Elemental Damage - Melee Physical Damage - Weapon Elemental DamageShockwave - Concentration Effect - Energy Singing - Shockwave - Concentration EffectWhen it comes to the cost of equipment, I won't make many recommendations because there is a significant price difference between a national server and an international server, as well as a significant difference poe exalted orb in skill selection. The Aizmai long staff and the hard helmet come highly recommended by Shockwave.
The following shield throwing equipment is recommended: Lion's Eye's Glory Shield and Rainbow Moon; if the cost of the shield is prohibitively expensive, you can choose a shield with high armor or health instead.
Since melee classes are extremely unfriendly during this season (and their survivability is questionable), novice players are not advised to participate in melee, as the fat group is not particularly adept at playing melee classes. The likelihood of sudden death increases in this situation.
1. The first profession that comes to mind is that of a witch.
1. The witch is referred to as the Master in some circles. There are three branches to the witchcraft profession. The first branch is represented by the elementalist, who is a violent wizard's representative in the world. One of the most popular versions of BD has five fireballs destroying the sky and the earth. Simply put, it is a fireball high-level multi-projectile spell with an echo, a concentrated effect, and a rapid release of void manipulation, among other features. There are several advantages to this strategy, including a high attack rate, a quick monster, and a pleasant personal feeling.
2. The Necromancer, also known as the legendary Summoner, is the second branch of the tree. This is a profession that should be more well-known. Personal experience has shown that clearing waste land is more physically demanding, but it is the most comfortable profession in the later stages of one's career.3. The summoning branch is the third branch of the tree. The auxiliary output can be either of two types: ice or electricity. It appears that this particular fire type has never been encountered before. During the early stages, everyone relied on fire rain to increase production. Personally, I believe it is still reasonably powerful, and the addition of meat shield output is a welcome addition to the game. The disadvantages are that there is a high demand for equipment, that the formation takes place late, and that there is no simple summoning procedure. Several maps can be found if the handicapped party dies more than poe chaos orb once in the later stages. It is not recommended that everyone participate in this game. It is preferable to play summoning or pure summoning flow rather than both.
Second, the occupation of shadow is the second most recommended.
First and foremost, there is the Assassin, a profession with a very high critical rating and one that has been slaughtered but is still relatively strong. BD, the item spirit casting or something along those lines is still a lot of fun. My experience on the Taiwan server is that it is still in the early stages of development, and the spawning of monsters is still extremely fast, making it a recommended server.
2. The second branch is known as the Destroyer branch. This occupation is known as the "master of trap flow."It is an extremely well-liked profession. The new ice trap is a welcome addition. It is highly recommended that everyone begin immediately. The specific BD is the ice trap cluster trap, which includes traps and mines in addition to the ice trap. Accurate Precision in DamageDestruction increases the likelihood of a critical strike occurring as well as the amount of damage done by a critical strike.