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It's not much faster and weaker than a scimmy. On its plus side, you may be able to hit more frequently, as well as being less expensive RuneScape Gold. Also, if you are blessed with 43 prayers, you could practically kill it, without any DMG ever. However, you don't need prayer to eliminate elvarg.

Also, if ur doing melzar's maze for an area of the map to Crandor, it'd be recommended to keep a safe distance from your spot for the Demon (80+ CB) with mage. So bring along around a 100 chaos runes. an air staff, as well as elemental runes. Or, bring 150 or more mind runes. air staff and top elemental runes tht u can utilize.

If you're using mindrunes you should at least use one of the magic spells, such as fire strike, because the lower ones could be less effective than the lower demon's HP regen rate. I didn't really know what was going on and needed to kill it, when i was on the quest. It was actually harder than the boss fight against Elvarg.

Okay, so i saw my frnd today. He's 88 cm like me. He's got claws. Barrows AGS, claws, etc.. And for God's sake, he gave away 60m to a frnd earlier today. He informed me that they made it all out of bandos Gwd together with random folks whom he encounters there. I'm looking for advice information on gear and all that. Are there any specific requirements for the gwd? Here are my numbers. I plan on meleeing.

I gambled 20k in wildy today, and ended up with 800k in loot. But i still prefer if your gear does not exceed 2mil. In truth, you're might be a bit low when you go to Bandos but wait until at least 80+ each combat statistic. I'm not sure, but my friend has almost the same stats like me.. And i definitely would like to test it Buy RS 3 Gold. As a level 134 player myself, from experience you will experience a crash and a wreck. lost no matter where you go.
