I've generally wanted to present this idea straightforwardly on Runescape

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This is a way for those who want to be able to complete their level faster and don't require longer routes. You will sacrifice your gold in exchange for experience rewards RuneScape Gold. It is simple - if you want money you can try Sharks or if you are looking for more exp are required, then do Anglerfish. You'll require around 25k to finish the cooking portion of your training and reach 99. It's one of the best ways to make the most of your fishing.

There is a method to improve your cooking skills in the fastest time possible by making wine. It is possible to get leveled up extremely fast making those since they can give you about 500k exp per hour. This method is quite AFK-able and the only downside to this is the fact that you'll need to be spending less than 15mil to achieve the maximum cooking with. You can be making Jugs of Wine. To make a Jug of Wine add grapes to the Jug of Water. This procedure is simple but it does require a lot of focus and clicking.

After finishing Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest with a cooking level of 30+, players are able to cook Karambwan. This is a special type of food which is consumed slow, making it ideal for pvp as you can eat both this one and regular food in the same meal.

At level 90 , you can fish by using raw Karambwan in flames and clicking 2 , on the keyboard at the same time is a great way to cook the item with no having to wait for a tick. This makes Karambwan fastest cooking food item in this game. It is extremely fast-paced and click-intensive. gives you results in cooking at around 9000 k/hour at the same time those provide over 200k of profit.

Even though you will only require 30 cooking skills, you should keep the fact that it's not worth doing before 90th grade since you'll have a lot of your ingredients burnt. This may be the best but also the most difficult click-intensive cooking course you can accomplish Buy RuneScape 2007 Gold. If you are looking also for other ways to earn money, you should consider researching the methods for making raw wild pie and raw summer pies.
