Madden 22: How to make your defense stronger

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In this guide, I'm gonna show my favorite defense right now against the gun bunch method offensive. I believe this guide can help you become a better man and player if you're looking to take your game to the next level.

In this guide, I'm gonna show my favorite defense right now against the gun bunch method offensive. I believe this guide can help you become a better man and player if you're looking to take your game to the next level. Get better abilities and more MUT 22 Coins in the game to improve your experience in the game.

I also want to let you know that we're taking a look at the nickel triple in this article. I have been revamping my nickel triple Ebook over the last couple of days. I'm in the Chicago or the Baltimore playbook. I've been working on some 245, everyday stuff, and some 335 odd stuff. I do like the Baltimore playbook, So if you want to find this defense or learn more about the nickel triple, I have a full Ebook.


Madden 22: Gun Bunch

I love this defense. It is such a fun scheme to run, and there's a lot you can do with this defense that most people don't know about. So with that in mind, I want to talk today about my favorite protection against Gun bunch in Madden 22. And it comes to us out of the nickel triple, and the play that we're gonna utilize is the nickel triple cover six.

Now, I like the nickel triple cover six so much because this is a matching defense, and you're going to notice that I want to start this off with a bang. If they are going to sit there and run a bunch of trails on you, you're going to see right here that this cover six is going to bag it all together every single time. It will be an interception every single time.

Okay, so I love this defense because it's very effective against bunch trail. Still, it's also very effective against other concepts from the bunch, for example, like the Z spot and goes that you might see a lot we're not making any adjustments. As you can see, The corner route is bagged. This is why I love cover six. It is an excellent defense for a lot of different reasons.

Now. The other reason I like cover six so much is to protect my user. I think this is super, super underrated. What I mean by that is I don't have to use her deep middle of the field safety and risk getting bombed over the top. But what I can do here is bring these safeties down the gap. If you can see here, I'm going to bring this one down on end, and then you can get this one down right in here. I love this alignment. I think this is probably the best alignment for any cover six defense that you're gonna find. I'll show you why so I'm gonna go back to that bunch trail type of concept here. You're gonna see that this not only gives us the ability to send probably the best blitzes in Madden 22, but you also have perfect alignment against a post look at that route. Just bag the post to the solo receiver in the bunch.


Madden 22: Blitz

So here's how I like to set this defense up against a bunch. I want to show blitz. And then I like to bring the safety's kind of in mirror some pressure concepts if you will, this gives the illusion that we are gonna send a significant amount of pressure.

The following adjustment that I like to make is the essential adjustment you're going to make in this defense: we're going to bluff blitz the defensive tackle On the right side of the screen. So we're gonna Rush three out of this. This is probably the best base three-person rush that you're gonna find in Madden 22. Then we will find the courage the vert hook onto the tight end. We're gonna blitz our users.

So you see, here is what the defense looks like and how it is going to function, and what you're going to notice is, let's say, they go to the play verticals.

I think this is a perfect adjustment for the gun bunch of verticals. You're going to see here that this crosser because we moved him down in the box will play it very well. We're also going to get excellent matching onto the wheel on the right, and we're also going to get great defense as far as the rest of the concepts. Now, one thing that you can do is if they are running a lot of verticals and you want to protect your user just a little bit or cover your deep half just a little bit, go ahead and put that corner on the backside into a cloud flat and what you're going to see here again.

This is the basic premise of how I like to play defense, we're either gonna send five out of this look, or we're gonna send, or we're just gonna send three, and what you're gonna see is if we, if they go to that verticals play you're gonna see right here, we're gonna put that running back on the little in were constantly going to take that. You see how good this concept does against this.

If you have any worries about the deep vertical, you don't have to show blitz. Do you have any concerns about the deep vertical, you do not have to show battery. You can simply press the coverage user right here, and then if you, like I said, if you have any worries about that, you still have your three-person, three-person pass rush. You still have great coverage, and now what you can do because you have that safety, you can go ahead and soft squat or a hard flat on that side, and now if they try to send something vertically on the left directly, you've got great coverage as you can see right there.

Now all I've got to do is kind of user the deep crosser from left to right or from the bunch to the, from the bunched field to the opposite side.

Now I want to show you a blitz that you can use with this that I like against bunch in mainly. What we're going to do is that a show blitz? We're going to blitz the safety. We're going to then QB contain we're going to toughen the running back up with the triangle player, and then we're going to find courage this guy, we still have our match defense very much so intact on the backside of this.

And what I like to do is go ahead and put my user and man coverage on the tight end just in case they try to bomb us, and then we're going to bluff blitz right there. So you see, this is what the defense looks like. Very, very effective. We have great coverage on the back end of this. But if they're not, if they're going to send people out, as you can see, we can get straightforward and effective pressure against the gun bunch.

So this is my favorite little scheme in the game. I love this defense. You're going to see one last thing that I want to talk about. We won't talk about it too much in this guide, but we talked about it a ton in the book. If they block, they're running back on this. Chances are you're going to get still coming completely clean. You could also find the courage that D. T.

On the tide in if you want to and but anyway what you're going to see here a block in the running back and I did get picked up that time because I got the lousy placement, but we talked about in the book how to kind of How to making that where it's not going to get picked up but cover six. You can see the beauty of this is that we can really at a very high-level show blitz like at a very high-level show blitz and then if they were to try to hit us with something like this, what you'll see here is, you know, typically that route does get back on it.

Okay, most of the time, it does, so trust this coverage. If you're getting burned in the show blitz feature, then all you have to do is send the blitz one time, and they will stop throwing. They will stop throwing those routes. So again, the storm just brings this guy in. Man, lock everybody on the bunch are on the solo side there. Then as you can see, our match defense is still ideally put together and in very much so perfect shape, and then you know they send, they try to go vertical on you trying to attack deep, and they don't have any time to do that.


Related: Madden 22: The complete guide to solving unable to connect to the EA server.


Madden 22: Nicole triple

So Nicole triple, I love this defense. It can do so much. It has the best pressure. It's got phenomenal run defense. It's also called great coverage concepts. So if you want to learn the complete nickel triple defense, there's a link down below to join my Patreon.

Nicole triple is just one of them. I'm working on something right now that I think will take all of our defenses to the next level.

We're going to talk about how you can protect your match coverages in a way that is sent more so based on alignment than anything else and allow them to play very, very effectively in their coverage.
