New World: How to Trade With Other Players

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New World: How to Trade With Other Players


New World: How to Trade With Other Players

Developed and published by Amazon Games, New World is an ambitious pirate-themed MMORPG set in the world of Aeturnum. Players will be able to join a faction, participate in wars and claim territories, and keep track of different economy systems as they travel from one settlement to another. With that in mind, it never hurts to share your resources with your friends and other players if you’re struggling with the economy. Here’s how to trade with other players in New World.To get more news about buy wow gold safe, you can visit official website.

While you can use the Trading Post to list sell orders when you try to sell your gear, you can also approach another player directly and initiate a trade with them instead. All you have to do is approach the player in-game, then press the H key to interact with them.

From the little menu that pops up, choose the Trade option and wait for the other player to accept. If they accept your trade request, both players can then offer up whatever items they want to give to the other person, and you can also trade gold if you wish.

Simply click on the item you want to give them, then drag it to your trade screen. You can also split the stack from your inventory when you click it if you’re trying to trade resources. Both players will need to lock in their selection and select the Trade confirmation button in order for it to go through, so make sure you check the items before confirming.

This is a great way to share gear and resources with your friends if they’re just starting out in the game, and will definitely help to give them a bit of a headstart.

That’s all you need to know about how to trade with other players in New World. Be sure to check our guide wiki for more tips and information on the game.
