How to Fix “Error Code: 51900101” in World of Warcraft?

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How to Fix “Error Code: 51900101” in World of Warcraft?


How to Fix “Error Code: 51900101” in World of Warcraft?

Some Word of Warcraft (WOW) players are reporting a weird issue where the classic or burning crusade version of the game crashes with the 51900101 error code. When this error appears, the game will disconnect you from the servers, preventing you from maintaining a stable connection.To get more news about Buy WoW WLK Gold, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

We’ve investigated a lot of user reports that dealt with this error and it’s clear that there are several underlying scenarios that might be responsible for causing the 51900101 error. Here’s a list of potential culprits that might be causing this issue:

Now that we went over every potential cause of this error, let’s go over a series of troubleshooting methods that will allow you to pinpoint the cause and fix the 51900101 World of Warcraft error:

The first thing you should do if you’re experiencing the 51900101 error with every Word of Warcraft Classic and Word of Warcraft Burning Crusade Classic realm is to check if the underlying services are currently under maintenance.

To make this verification, open the Word of Warcraft status page from your favorite browser.

Once you’re inside the status page, select Word of Warcraft Classic or Burning Crusade Classic (depending on the game mode that is triggering the 51900101 error) tab.

Next, scroll through the list of servers below and locate the server that is causing the error. You can find it easily by using the filters (top-right corner) to filter the list based on the Region and Locale.If you’re experiencing this issue on and off, you should also consider the fact that you might be dealing with a bad DNS (Domain Name System) range that is affecting the connection stability with the game server.

In case your ISP is using Level 3 nodes, you might be able to alleviate the frequency of the 51900101 error by making the switch to a DNS address range provided by Google.

This method was confirmed to be effective by users that we’re getting this error frequently after a few minutes of playing on a Classic or Burning Crusade Classic server.
