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We gathered data on max speed for a player's career as well as the previous year's average max speed per game, current year's max speed average per game mut coins, and a combination of 40-yard dash times and fed them into a multilevel model1 in order to anticipate weeks 9 Madden Speed Scores and had reasonable success. Based on our findings, Madden game developers aren't only making use of 40 times (which don't exist for many football players) to determine scores for players. they're also leveraging the league's Next Gen Stats tracking data in a certain degree to determine their ratings.

They're being smart about it Also. Judging from the model and from conversations with a source at EA The Madden rating team weighs the speed of the current season more than in the past, and the model suggests that tight-ends get the most points due to their speed being higher than their teammates, closely followed by quarterbacks.

There's an appearance of opinions in the scores, too and a pure quantitative approach can't explain all the opinions formulated by EA. This shouldn't surprise anyone. This isn't surprising. Madden team's reputation isn't just for changing ratings if the public's anger is sufficient: In the past, Madden altered Keenan Allen's ratings following the Chargers receiver said he was boycotting the game over his poor performances.

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