Bong Size Guide and Choosing Your Next Bong

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Bong Size Guide and Choosing Your Next Bong

Bong Size Guide and Choosing Your Next Bong

As we dive into November, straight into the winter months, you might be wondering if it’s time to switch up your favorite smoking method. Maybe you’re just looking for something smoother or perhaps the rain has already given you a hard time when you’ve tried to light up a joint in the cold weather.To get more news about cheap beaker bongs under $50, you can visit official website.
Sometimes even huddling under a tree isn’t enough when you’re trying to get that spark. That surely doesn’t mean to give up on seeing Mary Jane, it just means it’s time to switch it up with a bong in your size.
When it comes to smoking weed, most of the times it’s not a one-size fits all. Beginners might be better off sticking with pipes and joints before deciding to buy a bong, but hey,
sometimes you just have to go for it. And if you’ve already been thinking about buying a bong you probably already have a list of questions by your side, most of them revolving around, “what bong should I buy?”
In this post we’ll go over different bong sizes and everything you need to know before sparking up indoors with your own bong, including what bong you should buy as a beginner stoner, intermediate toker, or advanced cannaseur.So, if you want something larger that packs a bigger punch or want a smaller bong for controlled hits keep on reading because this guide is for you.
1. Cleaner smoke
There’s a reason your bong uses water and that’s to filter and cool your smoke. Bongs reduce the number of carcinogens you inhale and help provide smooth hits for less
irritation. You’ll love the cooling sensation that enters your throat and lungs!
2. Heavier more intense hits
Regardless of the size, smoking out of a bong will give you heavier and more intense hits. But if you want bigger hits, then a bigger bong is for you.
3. Convenient and reusable
Unlike joints and blunts, with bongs all you need is some water and some bud to keep on ripping. Whether you’re at the beach or staying in, the hits will keep on keeping on!
If you’ve just started smoking and don’t have the tolerance for monster-sized hits, you’re going to want to buy a bong on the smaller size. Now don’t worry you won’t be losing any of the bong benefits because many still come with percolators and other cool add-ons.

Here’s a great 6” hourglass shower head mini bong for smooth and cool hits that are always the perfect size. And being a bong under $50 not only saves your more money in your pocket, but also delivers the perfect sized hits you’ll love every session!
