IGVault LoL Fastest Way: How to Level Up in Lol

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If you want to play ranked matches, then level 30 is essential. Plus, you also have to consider that if you’re not level 30, you’re probably not going to have enough Blue Essence to purchase the champions required to play ranked matches.

In this post you are going to learn the tricks on how to level up fast to level 30 in lol. Undoubtedly if you are dedicated to level up lol accounts, then, you should focus 5 minutes to this post so you can get to level 30 in a fast way.

Buy LoL Account

If you want to level up immediately, you should buy league accounts. There are so many League of legends accounts sellers, and you have to be careful not to fall into a scam. IGVault has the best League of Legends accounts in the market and offers the best prices. All their accounts are at least level 30 and are ready to play ranked games. They use exclusive methods to level up their accounts to reduce the risk of getting banned after buying it.

Why is Level 30 so Important?

If you want to play ranked matches, then level 30 is essential. Plus, you also have to consider that if you’re not level 30, you’re probably not going to have enough Blue Essence to purchase the champions required to play ranked matches.

Win as many League games as you canTo make sure you get the most experience per game you will want to try your hardest every match, make good call-outs, push your lead when you obtain it, always keep the pressure on the enemy and close out the games when the opportunity arises. Winning will cut your Leveling speed allowing you to get the fastest XP.

Play beginner bots modeOur personal favorite way of leveling is to get a group of friends together and tackle some beginner bot games. The trick to finishing these games quickly is by taking Tristana, Jinx, Caitlyn, or any other champions that have fast attack speed and a lot of auto-attack damage. One mastery you will need to bring is Lethal Tempo and the second one is the Demolish mastery to allow you to push through those towers with ease. Go straight to mid and start to push the wave, and hit the tower every chance you get!

Don’t end games too fastThe longer the games go on, the more XP you will gain. The general rule of thumb is: 14-minutes per bot game. If you’re in a normal game, you usually won’t be able to end the game before 15-minutes, but if you can then you should attempt to stall the game out to 25-minutes.


If you have no time to spare but plenty of money, then hiring someone to boost your account could be a valid choice. However, be prepared to pay a lot of money for the service, as they often don’t come cheap. The other options down here are definitely a better choice.

Experience Boosts (Duration)

Duration experience boosts give you bonus exp for a set number of games, regardless of if you win or lose. The best value boost is for 7 days and costs 1020RP. Depending on how often you play, you might need several of these before you reach level 30. You should be able to reach level 30 within a month using these boosts.

Experience Boosts (Wins)

These experience boosts give bonus exp every time you win a game – but will give you nothing if you lose. The best value boost is for 40 wins and costs 2240 RP. You’ll need at least 2 of these to reach level 30. They can also be combined with duration boosts for bigger exp gains.

Play your best champion

It’s easier to win when playing your main than trying out some random champion. This is exactly why people ban new champions in ranked games — to avoid their teammates picking them (yes, that’s a thing).

Doing so not only makes you lvl up in League in the fastest way. It also increases the mileage with your main champion. That's very useful when aiming for a higher rank.

If you want to level up immediately, you should buy league accounts. There are so many League of legends accounts sellers, and you have to be careful not to fall into a scam. https://lol.igvault.com/League-of-Legends-Accounts has League of Legends accounts in the market and offers the best prices.You also can Sell League of Legends Account to igvault
