​How to get DIY recipes in Animal Crossing

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As we all know, DIY is the core of Animal Crossing. All items and furniture are made only by DIY recipes. Follow me to easily get DIY recipes.


By Main plot

At the early stage of the game, Tom Nook will tell players the basic DIY recipes such as flimsy axe, flimsy fishing rod and so on as you continuously promote the plot. Pushing ahead the plot, players will obtain vaulting pole and DIY recipes of Ladder, with which you can explore the island without restriction.


By Nook's Cranny

Construction of Nook's Cranny, showcase in Nook's Cranny will update a new DIY recipe every day. Players can find the new furniture and hot items in Nook's Cranny. Besides, you can also click on the showcase to look for your favorite DIY recipes.


By Nook Stop ATM

There will be some practical items on the early Nook Stop ATM such as expansion backpack and advanced tools made by DIY recipes. Later, a large mount of DIY recipes appear in ATM and we can exchange them with Nook Miles. Every day, 2 new DIY recipes will also be showed. Players can purchase according to your own demand.


By Animal Crossing Villagers

Another major way to get DIY recipes is from Animal Crossing Villagers. If you drop by some villager, you'll see that he is knocking in front of workbench. Walking towards him and conversation with him, he will tell you what he is doing and ask you whether you are interested in it. If you answer yes, the villager will send the corresponding recipe to you. Therefore, go and visit your neighbor regularly!


When you find some Animal Crossing villager is creating rare furniture, don't forget to tell your friends so that they can come to the island and conversation with the villager to get DIY recipes as well. Aside from, different villagers possess DIY recipes of various kinds. Talking with different villagers can obtain different kinds of DIY recipes.


It is a time-consuming process to collect all kinds of DIY recipes, gradually collection while having fun in construction of island. Owning some recipes in a short time, you can Buy ACNH Items on ACBellsBuy. There is only one day left before the shopping spree. With the coupon code “TA12” before Dec. 1st, a 12% OFF can be enjoyed.


Article from: How to get DIY recipes in Animal Crossing

