If they didn't keep runescape in line with its competitors

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The theory is that the evil forces have destroyed guthix and saradomin(and any other gods that aren't averse to zombies in general) out of Runescape and now zamorak and other gods of the dark have taken over RuneScape 2007 Gold, filling the world up with zombies, skeletons, and many other evil monsters. You can't attack opponents in this mini-game and only the adversaries. To allow teams to collaborate There is multi-combat all over the place.

There has to be at least 40 players playing in any game. Each player is transported to either lumbridge or varrock, and then on to the city. The players must all defend their home until they've been able to defeat all the zombies. they will all come in waves, with each one becoming more difficult, the final wave is wave 5. once they have defeated wave 5.

They'll be transported by the spirit of dead warriors who perished trying to fight the zombies to falador, from where they'll meet with teams from cities that are not in the. The first task is to overcome "the Hive" which is a giant egg-like shape that spurts out horrible gunk at the players. Once they have defeated that, a giant boss zombie appears out of it. It begins at level 400, and gains 20 levels for every player who remains on the field.

When you've defeated the boss zombie, you get corruption points that are used to purchase the prizes for the minigame. The rewards include the Rod of Darkness Buy RS 2007 Fire Cape, which is a powerful staff which takes three quarters of your health and inflicts the wrath of 25-damage on those within 5 aquares of it (note: this only works only if your health is kept up).
