The official version of Path of Exile 2 may not be available until 2024

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We can describe the development of Path of Exile 2 as twists and turns.

We can describe the development of Path of Exile 2 as twists and turns. GGG originally planned to release Path of Exile 2 in early 2020, but because of the terrible impact of COVID-19 and considering various factors, the development team postponed its release date to 2022. Now the studio has delivered bad news to players that the official version of Path of Exile 2 will not appear until 2024. It has dealt a serious blow to those players who are looking forward to POE 2. However, players’ demand for Path of Exile Currency has dropped little, because Expedition League is still ongoing.

Chris Wilson announced that it will be launched shortly before 2024 to ensure that they hope to provide a public beta within a year or two. In this way, Wilson had to correct what he said a few months ago. When he did not rule out Path of Exile 2 will release in 2022, this possibility seems to be completely non-existent. The epidemic has caused tortuous development in almost all industries. As read in The Gamer, Wilson talked about the development of Path of Exile 2 and all the difficulties and challenges it has encountered in the past few months, reiterating that the estimated date is still far away in 2024. In addition, he specified that in the worst-case scenario, they believe they will provide players with a test version of the game as a public test in the summer of 2023.

Wilson insisted that the pandemic and its consequences were the main cause of multiple delays, and that the development of the game was slower than expected, especially for a study in New Zealand, such as Grinding Gear Games, because this maritime country closed its borders During a pandemic, this makes it extremely difficult to recruit new personnel. In addition, reliable information shows that GGG has completed approximately 90% of the first act and 75% of the second act of Path of Exile 2. However, after planning seven events, they clearly still have a lot of work to do.

This is a heavy blow to the old players. However, it has no effect on the rookies who have just joined Path of Exile recently. They also need to seize the time to learn Path of Exile’s various general gameplay and mechanisms to enhance their understanding of the game. If they need more strength, they can do it through buy POE Currency. I wish them a good time.
