Surprisingly, this Third Age armor is a reward from clue scrolls of RuneScape gold level 4 rather than level 3 like other sets, and it was released at a price that was higher (245mil!) While it looks better than the other 3rd grade equipment but it's not that much better than any of the others. Some complain that the druidic sets are not as good, due to these and other reasons such as the comparability of stats to cheaper sets such proselyte or proselyte gear. I disagree.
There's a lot of potential in Third age Druidic equipment I think that others have missed. It stands out from the other sets. The entire set (including the cloak and staff) includes a 31-day prayer bonus, a +128 magic attack bonus, and a +130 magic defence bonus.
You can replace the cloak by a Soul Wars cape (reward received from Nomad’s Requiem : +12 to prayer and +8 to defense stats) Also, you can use a Zamorak or unholy Book (+5 for prayer, +10 to magic attack, and +15 for magical defence) as well as barrow gloves (+6 defense, magic attack), as well as infinity boots (+5 defense, magic attack) You will receive a +47 prayer bonus, and an additional +57 attack bonus, as well as a +61 bonus on your magic defense bonus.
These are excellent statistics to keep in mind in case you need to utilize both magic and prayer simultaneously. With a full proselyte and crozier (plus all the other items listed above that give best prayer and magic bonuses) You can enjoy a +44 prayer bonus, but only an -28 bonus to attack magic and a +40 magic defence bonus. As you can see, Third Age Druidic Equipment far exceeds it's rivals when it comes to good prayers and magic armor.
Ice Strikeworms is a place where 3rd Age Druidic gear would be the most beneficial. But you'd still need to wear a Fire Cape. To prevent your life from ending by auto-casting fire surge or use the prayer of splitting souls (which will heal you for 1/5 of the damage). This strategy works for most Runescape bosses, and for OSRS buy gold many monsters from Runescape. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
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