The newly updated 1.63 patch fixes the bug that the game store would accidentally crash

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Some players report that the game interface often crashes when they shop in the game store, causing them to always get a very unpleasant shopping experience while enjoying. GGG released the 1.63 patch program based on the bug to stabilize the store and prevent it from crashing again and causing bad things to happen. Now players can safely buy POE Currency and other items and props they want in the store.

When this bug was rampant in the past, for example, a player was just about to place an order to purchase the required items, and the game interface suddenly stuck or went black, causing them to be unsure whether the order was successful. After reopening the POE game store, they still need to confirm again. It has added a lot of troubles to the players. The most notable one is that it affects the players’ normal game progress.

Patch 1.63 not only fixes this problem but also strengthens the program stability of the entire game. Another console-specific fix is ??that players can now delete currencies from the trading market in Rogue Harbour. Another focus of this update is to improve the robbery experience for all exiles. For example, the blueprint for the heist target will now generate one to three item levels than the area level.

Some looting monsters can use their skills by closing the door, which is no longer the case. Now, when players use the Reveal Entire Wing button in the blueprint, it will show the progress of the player’s robbery mission. The people who continued to join Heist began their robbery journey. Players Buy POE Currency as much as possible to increase the probability of success of the action.
