Animal Crossing: New Horizons opens at the National Video Game Museum

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The Animal Crossing Diary Exhibition is designed to act as a time capsule, recording fans’ experience of the game during the COVID-19 pandemic, and displaying a large number of fan-written letters, all of which detail the game’s influence over the past 18 months. Animal Crossing: New Horizons held its own online exhibition at the National Video Game Museum.

Animal Crossing Diary Our brand new exhibition, all about Animal Crossing: New Horizons is now live! Explore the incredible stories of those who have played.

Animal Crossing Diary divides fan letters into one of five categories:

Keep it regular-details how the game helps fans stay regular during lockdown
Create your space-create a virtual space in the game for players to escape from
Represent yourself-show how players use the game to express their identity
Sharing creativity shows how the game allows players to unleash their creativity in new and unique ways
Keep in touch-tells the story of people unable to contact in person due to the pandemic through Animal Crossing: New Horizons

The National Video Game Museum in Sheffield, UK was established in 2015 to celebrate video games and protect video game culture. In a tweet from the museum itself, the organizer explained: “This project is how we collect game stories and become part of our daily lives.”

In the same post announcing the exhibition, NVM also stated that they have received hundreds of entries for projects, and "this exhibition is just the beginning" because it still encourages fans to submit their stories to the Animal Crossing Diary project.

A year later, learn how Tom Nook’s island tour was a success in 2020 in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Players do not get bored with this game, they even go to buy ACNH NMT and Animal Crossing Items.

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