How to Earn Burning Crusade Classic Gold in Easy and Fast Ways

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After you have your Jewelcrafting leveled up to 350 (that’s all you need for blue gem cuts, nothing past that is really worth leveling up for except the epic cuts) and you have your cuts it is extremely

As the same as in World of Warcraft Classic, the WOW Classic Gold is also the lifeblood of its in WOW TBC Classic. You can use Classic TBC Gold to purchase flying mounts, weapons, pets, armor and more, which can speed up the process of the gameplay! Optimize your gold farming with our guide!


If you are out to make gold, there are certain professions that are just better then others. Jewelcrafting is an absolute gold mine. I don’t really have any experience with anything else besides mining. If you have mining and have the patience to mine constantly instead of just farming primals you will probably make more money. If you plan to mine a lot I recommend this addon:

It will let you set up routes between mineral nodes in a zone. So spend a few hours finding every node in a zone, set up the addon and then all you have to do is point yourself in the direction of the arrow and it pretty much trivializes mining. If anybody else has any experience with other professions please feel free to share. I’d imagine that alchemy can be profitable as well but, I don’t really actually know.

Since I do know about Jewelcrafting, I’ll share. Basically what you want to do is get one or maybe two good cuts for each kind of gem (except Talasite, pretty much all Talasites suck and don’t sell well at all). Most all Noble Topaz cuts are good, Most all Living Ruby cuts are good. Glowing Nightseye and Royal Nightseye seem to sell the best on my server but it fluctuates between realms, obviously. The only good elune gem is Solid Star but it is quite good. Dawnstones all together usually don’t sell great but the Great Dawnstone, Rigid Dawnstone and Smooth Dawnstone are probably the best. As I said before Talasites are pretty worthless and I wouldn’t waste any money on their patterns if you want to make money. I am not going to talk about the epic gems as for one I don’t have any and for two, at least all the guilds on my server, people are generally using the better ones for their gear and not selling them.

After you have your Jewelcrafting leveled up to 350 (that’s all you need for blue gem cuts, nothing past that is really worth leveling up for except the epic cuts) and you have your cuts it is extremely easy to make money. All you need to really do is buy the uncut gems off the Auction House, recut them and sell. Adamanatite ore can be profitable to buy and prospect usually have it is under 25g a stack. I usually have anywhere from 1-2k gold on the Auction House at a time. It is honestly the easiest way to make money with no effort involved all besides leveling it up that I can think of. I have almost 7k gold, my epic flying mount and I never do anything to make money except for this unless I am bored. It would be awesome if someone could comment on other professions so I could implement them into this post.

Repeatable Quests

Throughout Outland, each reputation has many repeatable quests, with some needing players to collect materials from mobs. Some examples are the Unidentified Plant Parts, which are found on the various plant mobs in Zangarmarsh and Coilfang Dungeons. Collecting these parts are an important part of the farming reputation for the Cenarion Expedition, which grants some prebis and the Hippogryph mount.

Furthermore, the Sporeggar reputation requires players to collect items like the Sanguine Hibiscus, which can be found on some mobs or picked up from the Underbog. Both are available at the auction house, so it’s one nice way to make some gold.

Also, the Marks of Sargeras, Arcane Tomes, and other Aldor or Scryers related rep items go on the AH too. Once again, farming some of the reputation items is a decent way to make gold in TBC Classic.


Ravager Flesh, Clefthoof Meat, Warped Flesh, Raptor Ribs, Serpent Flesh


Furious Crawdad is best meat to level cooking from 350-375 but is hard to farm. Will be a fantastic seller, Low drop chance farm in Terrokar forest from 325+ fishing. Enormous Barbed Gill Trout and Huge Spotted Feltail are both fish you should not throw away and hold onto for a bit into the game. They’re for endgame cooking recipes. Will go up in value as the game progresses.

Dungeon Boosting

This classic gold making method has always been profitable in every WoW pre patch event. Burning Crusade Classic is no exception. This is an unusually short pre patch event that only lasts two weeks, meaning there are more than enough people rushing to get to level 60 before the big launch. Many of whom are playing Blood Elf and Draenei characters and, as mentioned earlier, these races cannot benefit from the level boost service. Bad news for them but good news for you because you can provide boosting services yourself.

Helping low level characters with quests is pretty boring so the best way of doing this is to boost them through dungeons. Ideally, you’ll want to go with a group of four other people that need boosting and charge each of them for the service. Boosting one person at a time can make you some gold as well but it’s generally not very profitable. Remember that most Classic WoW dungeons are lengthy and require a lot of time to complete. Needless to say, you’ll need a relatively well-geared level 60 character to speed things up. And, of course, knowing the fastest routes through the dungeons wouldn’t hurt either.

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