The best place to farm New World Coins in New World

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As the most important coin in New World, the importance of New World Coins to players can be imagined.

For some novice players, they may be distressed how to get a lot of New World Coins. As the most important coin in New World, the importance of New World Coins to players can be imagined. The same is true for New World Gold, so where should players find and plant New World Gold?

Similar to New World's iron and silver mines, New World Coins is mainly located in rocky mountains, caves and dungeons. After grinding to an appropriate mining level, players can fram this valuable metal from specific locations distributed in various regions. The best places to farm New World Gold in New World are Reekwater and Great Cleave. Some of these locations have high-level enemies, so players should make sure they are ready to fight or escape as needed. The more gold that can be mined in an area, the more dangerous the nearby monsters or beasts. To easily defeat monsters or beasts, players can buy New World Coins to increase their strength.

Reekwater. A large group of gold veins can be found at the top of the northern border of Rickwater. The mineable gold at this location spread beyond Reekwater and into the southern border of Weaver's Fen. Players should make sure to thoroughly comb the surrounding area to get the most New World Gold, but they should also beware of the nearby danger level 62m claws.

Great Cleave. One of the best places to farm New World Gold in New World is to the east of the Great Cleave Center, near Frostbite Den. A 43-level Deepit Abomination guards the mining nodes in this area. Building a campsite nearby as a respawn point is a good idea for players who feel that they are not strong enough to face it head-on. If players want to become strong, then buy New World Gold is the best choice for players.
