Still negatively affecting portions of RuneScape

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The challenge for us is that despite all our programmes and best intentions the problem remains enormous and, most annoyingly, still adversely impacting parts of our sport. We are continuing to RuneScape gold battle bots on all fronts. In a bid to be open and we wish to discuss a few steps and initiatives we are about to release/have released recently: We have recently enhanced our internal systems to have the ability to spot spam in the chat window and immediately mute the offender preventing the constant flow of communication from the gold farmers which are impacting the sport experience. Your reports are extremely beneficial to us here! Continuing our ongoing legal cases against bot developers.

Mandatory email validation for new accounts will include extra account safety and impair the volume accounts creation that golden farmers utilize. There are several different initiatives and activities that we plan to implement during the upcoming few weeks and we're going to share these with you as often and in much detail because we can. The most significant of them is to come shortly. Additionally, we recognise that we have not been the best at conveying what we're doing and that changes today. While we are winning small battles by spending substantial money and resources in attempting to fight this issue, the war is not going in our favour as we are trying hard to keep up with companies whose sole business 24 hours a day 7 days per week is to discover methods to acquire bots into the game. Because of this, one thing has gotten really clear to us despite our ongoing efforts.

We cannot win this battle alone. We want your help. So how can you help? To begin with, we'd like to hear from you at a more coordinated manner regarding your ideas about how to fight the robots difficulty. We'll be developing surveys to help us know more about bots directly from you... we would love to hear your reply. We'd love to set up a special forum where we can have targeted QA's and receive formal comments from you about particular endeavors. We'll allow you to know if this forum is setup and encourage you to join us.

We hope you will engage with and invite your friends to use any resources that we provide to you to assist us identify and prohibit the bots such as the Spam Filter attribute. And lastly, we would request you to refrain from using bots or behind gold farmers. If there isn't a current market, then bots will not exist. As was so eloquently put in a current post on"Standing around Jagex [by voicing one's view on the botting issue], an individual might argue, demands a certain amount of courage, but more is needed to endure to one's friends". The player went on to say,"The community should stand up for itself by simply following the principles and buy RS gold shunning people who don't. Lacking customers, the sites that place up the bots will close, and the sole botter will be the isolated real player. In the end, following the 3 pillars of this code of conduct that Jagex setup -"Honour,""Respect," and"Security" are a responsibility of the gamers and the community as far as they are of Jagex."
