Animal Crossing Best Farm Designs for Expanding Your Island

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As the season of autumn approaches in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, players may wish to improve the farming area of their island

As the season of autumn approaches in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, players may wish to improve the farming area of their island. Here are a few design suggestions.

As summer draws to a close in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, players may find themselves wishing to transform parts of their island into a more fall-themed environment. Farms and pumpkin patches are excellent places to do so, especially given the heavy emphasis placed on farming in last year's fall update to New Horizons. Here are a few fantastic design ideas to help provide inspiration for Animal Crossing players who are more interested in farming.


Farming, a first for the Cheap Animal Crossing Items, will be introduced at the end of September 2020, with the addition of a pumpkin-growing mechanic and a slew of pumpkin-themed DIY recipes to commemorate the occasion. This, combined with an earlier New Horizons update that introduced shrubs to the game, has given players more opportunities than ever before to create an island that is overrun with plants. Moreover, the extensive terraforming options and the ability to create custom paths contribute to the expansion of creative possibilities.

Recently, Nintendo announced that substantial new content will be added to Animal Crossing in the near future, which has piqued the interest of many players who have been disappointed by the lack of significant updates in recent months. The New Horizons update released in August 2021 was particularly disappointing, as it only brought back the summer Firework Show while making no other significant changes to the game. The company was quick to reassure players that more was on the way, raising the possibility that farming could be expanded upon later this fall.


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How to Farm a Pumpkin Patch in New Horizons 

Currently, pumpkins are the only food item that can be grown in Animal Crossing, aside from fruit trees, which means that players who want to get the most out of the mechanic will be best served by setting up a pumpkin patch.
On Reddit, user JasmineTatham displays an orchid and a pumpkin patch next to each other. Taking advantage of the various different pumpkin colors as well as the various fruit options available in New Horizons can also help to add variety to larger spaces.

Extra Turnips in Animal Crossing Create the Sense of a Fall Farm 

Despite the fact that turnips can only be purchased, not grown, they can still create the Sense of a Farm on islands in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, especially when placed alongside pumpkins.
FinbarOmen on Reddit demonstrates a straightforward but effective method for starting a turnip farm. It could even be used as a simple and charming entrance to a tropical island.

Plants in Animal Crossing Can Help You Create a Cute Farm Design 

While the other plants in Animal Crossing are not quite as interactive as pumpkins, they can still be used to help you create the appearance of a bustling farm on an island.
Reddit user letsgosago uses bonsai trees, moss balls, shrubs, and other similar furniture pieces to make a farm appear a little less deserted, despite the fact that there are currently no genuine growable items available. It's a clever way to make the world feel more alive until there's another farming update for Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
