Third: Mage&range would need to be more powerful

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This is a bit of a rant because too many people complain that the abilities aren't "underpowered". First of all, range and mage are not two distinct skills. They are both independently. Melee is comprised of three abilities. Attack, defense, and strength. Second: Rangemage don't get combat as often, so "weakerplayers might have very high combat levels which means they're less effective.

Third: Magerange would need to be more powerful to make your combat level rise. It is possible to increase your level by a significant amount with melee since it's already very powerful.

Forth: Maximum hit range remains at 100/200 (please justify) and mage can have cool effects (freezing stat lowering and even the ability to venge!) Melee only has these things when you are willing to pay! That's all I have to say at the moment. I am all for new products. (armadyl 2nd? anyone?) Thank you for your time, please submit any comments or questions. We apologize for spelling or grammar errors.

The D Pick is now available and buy RS gold I don't see any discussion threads on the D Pick. I will post one when I do! The source of the pickaxe's power is important information that everyone should have. This is my view (or the story)
