I was thinking that Runescape should be able to have a pet ability

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Awusah. Awusah will be willing to discuss trade negotiations with Sophanem. He will be open to the idea, but warns that it might not be feasible because of the economic recovery that Nardah has experienced due to the drought that you created RS3 Accounts. Discuss local resources, as well as animals. Utilize the horn along together with Awusah to take down the Desert Goat. You can then grind the horn with a pestle, mortar, and make an Combat potion. Then show Awusah the potion.

Awusah says: You can use those horns to do something! Ali the Mayor. Discuss the matter with Ali the Mayor of Pollnivneach. Pollnivneach has tried hard enough to stay clear of the politics of Al Kharid and the Menaphites, but he won't agree to the agreement. Visit Al Kharid, and speak with Ali Morrisane.

To obtain 2000 dollars and bribe him into stopping selling products from Pollnivneach for a day. Talk to Hassan at the palace about becoming an ambassador. As an emissary, go to Pollnivneach dressed in a Desert Disguise. Then, talk to the Mayor. It is possible to remove the disguise and the mayor will be more comfortable. Al Kharid is okay with it. They also require an alternative market as a market figure has left them.

Once these have been completed, return to High Priest to find that he's accompanied. Coenus is the ideal infidel companion that I was looking for. One of your Al Kharid associates applied acid to our wall Buy OSRS Power Leveling, causing it to crumble. Now I am seeing you trying to turn Sophanem against us.
