All you have to do is make the rightest choice.

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The blade shares the stats of a dragon 2-h however it is able to deal 250-500 damage against demons (and Zamorak). It also has a very high accuracy rating and the special ability to deal 50 poison damage for half the rate of p+. There's no way that the poison will not be OSRS gold inflicted. Although poison does not ensure that it will be able to harm other monsters, it does deal 10 damage. It's got the same special attack as a D 2-h, however it has a different animation, and it is able to stun monsters. To use this sword you must have 70 strength. But, it does not have an attack. Even with its slow speed against demons, this sword is a good training weapon.

Once you have completed all the seals, head back to Azzanadra. Congratulations! All the seals are yours! I've arranged for a meeting with some gods. An event? Yes. Yes. Some other gods have offered to free Zaros as long as he's locked up. Confinement? Doesn't a pyramid of this size be too small for the gods. Yes, but Zaros is still a Majharrat He is the same size as us. What is the matter with Zamorak? Is he not a Majharrat also? He is indeed a Majharrat however, his Zaros curse has left him severely damaged. His body is huge and he looks just like his demons.

Let me know what Zaros is like. He was completely covered in white sand in a scarf, but his hair was straight and long. Pitch black. The eyes were purple too, and many believed that this was the reason he liked purple so much. The robe he wore was identical to his scarf but covered his entire body, with the exception of the arms. Therefore, no one really is aware of his looks with just hair, skin, and eye color. So, what do we know about this meeting...

{Dialogue inAzzanadra is what Azzanadra will speak about until the meeting. In the Meeting, you will find 5 NPCs: Azzanadra Bright Light, Bright Light Hard Rock, Thick jungle, and High Cloud. The four gods are typically inanimate objects. The four gods supporting your efforts are Saradomin (Bandos), Guthix (Guthix), and Armadyl. You have to pick one of them and they'll give you a weapon to use However, first you have to prove your faith and ability.

While ability is simple however, it requires a god's weapon's skills to be able to pass it. Saradomin requires 99 hp; Bandos 99 strength; Guthix 99 defense and Armadyl 99 attack. Faith is more difficult. In order to prove your faith, you'll need to answer certain questions accurately. The test of god's faith is only able to be taken every week. If you own a Ring of Charos (a) it is possible to take it again within 24 hours. If you answer incorrectly then you have to wait for a week before you are able to take the test again. That means you have four tries per week.

All you have to do is make the rightest choice. If you can pass the test, the god's weapon would be presented to you , and you will receive it. The skill requirement is how much the skill xp you possess. The screen for combat does not allow for any modifications in the style of attack However, there is a faith bar. It gets filled up every time you lose hitpoints, prayer points, or damage Zamorak. It is possible to summon the power of Zamorak and do massive damage with an elaborate animation when the bar is full.

When the weapon of your chosen god falls from the sky, you will be asked if you would like to travel to Zamorak. There are three options. The first two choices are clear: yes or no. The second alternative is to open your bank account. Your chosen god can let your bank open and allow you to withdraw money. Once you're ready talk to Azzanadra and the god of buy RuneScape gold your choice. You'll receive the same prompt.
