NBA 2K22 MyNBA wish list to improve the experience

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Essentially, MyNBA is excellent. This is exactly what traditional NBA game franchise players have been calling for.

With the release of "NBA 2K21" on Xbox Series X and PS5 next-generation consoles, many key changes have taken place in the familiar NBA 2K experience. One of the changes was the sacrifice of two popular but forgotten models in MyGM and MyLeague, and they joined forces to become MyNBA.

Fortunately, the final result can be said to be the best team model the NBA 2K team has seen in years. This is what I personally have been begging for in many iterations. 2K Sports and series developer Visual Concepts used a new game console to finally make a change. Fortunately, everything has become better. NBA 2K22 MT in NBA 2K22 is indeed a revelation. In my opinion, this may be the best mode with the highest limit in the game. The introduction of The City into a new generation version is ambitious, there is a lot of potential, but it does not have the depth and replayability of MyNBA.

Essentially, MyNBA is excellent. This is exactly what traditional NBA game franchise players have been calling for. When I say "traditional," I mean the kind of players who have modified and released unofficial updates for NBA Live 2000. Yes, I am so old. If any OG NBA Live fan reading this article remembers Live 2000, they will remember that this is the first game to truly establish a franchise model, with salary caps, scouts, and free agents. These were all at the time. It is very revolutionary and wide-ranging.

In other words, NBA 2K21's MyNBA is not perfect. In fact, it has experienced severe growth pains, almost to the point of understanding, so that some people cannot play this mode. 2K22 MT will have a better gaming experience. He shook his head, but strangely, he was disappointed because you know how good this model is actually, except that the air conditioner and GPS don't work. You know the whole product is impressive, but... what if the air conditioner and GPS are broken?
