World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Arena Tournament

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World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade announces the start of competitive bidding. Registration for the competition is now open to players. Provided by Blizzard Entertainment, Kael'thas Sunstrider, Illidan Stormrage, and Lady Vashj as the protagonists through World of Warcraft. Open the burning expedition classic arena tournament officially opened. World of Warcraft announced its earliest Burning Crusade classic arena tournament. For this news, both novice players and experienced players are very excited. Participating players will actively use the store to choose WOW TBC Buy Gold. The $30,000 prize pool will be launched soon and will be distributed between your Americas and Europe. The top 10% of players may win the title of the initial conqueror.
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Registration for the Burning Crusade Classic Arena Tournament is open and will end on July 9. Interested teams must visit Gamebattles and register in the Americas or Europe. After registration, the three-person team will play a three-game double-elimination match from July 17th to 18th. The top eight teams can test their skills in five two-win games from July 23 to 25. As for the winners, they will receive the largest share of the regional prize pool.

Blizzard released public relations and announcements saying: In the ruins of Lordaeron in the Ring of Trials, the Burning Crusade classic brings players back to the place where World of Warcraft PvP was removed. The event hopes to demonstrate the love of the World of Warcraft community for the Arena mode over the past 14 years. Familiar faces, special guests, and the contestants themselves will participate in the event to celebrate the return of the Dark Portal. Participating players will make some preparations in advance. The prepared content involves very large information. Players who choose WOW TBC Gold Buy are the smartest choice. In addition to an impressive guest, celebrities Supatase, Venruki, and Zico were also invited to the event.

The Burning Crusade Classic Arena Tournament is another event created for the fiercely competitive World of Warcraft players in 2021. Bonuses are also very attractive to players. 30,000 USD was invested in 15,000 USD per region. First place: US$5,000. Second place: USD 3,500. Third place: $2,000. Fourth place: US$1,500. Fifth/Sixth place: USD 1,000. Seventh/eighth place: 500 USD. Earlier this year, it seemed that The Great Push was held together with the Arena World Championship and the Mythical Dungeon International Global Finals.
