Let’s review what it brings to Path of Exile

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The more exciting Path of Exile 3.15 extension is coming soon.

Grinding Gear Games released a 3.14 extension called Ultimatum on April 16th of this year. They have added several game styles and final game options such as Trial of Chaos to keep the game fresh for most of 2021 and enter next year’s sequel closed beta. It’s coming to the end of the 3.14 expansion life cycle. Let’s review what new things players have brought to Path of Exile for the Ultimatum League, which players spend countless POE Currency for.

The first thing the development team did for Path of Exile Ultimatum was to include eight new slottable gems. These gems have the themes of blood, sacrifice, and the exchange of one thing for another (usually blood). Skill gems are very professional, but you can easily interact with other auxiliary gems to increase their potential. For example, bloodletting is a new skill that allows you to use health instead of mana to make a special bloody tendril attack on a single target. Petrified Blood changes the way the low health build works by increasing the limit to 50% and changing the way damage taken.

The Path of Exile Ultimatum expansion will also include some updates to Vaal skills that fans have been hoping for for a long time. Just about every Vaal skill has had some sort of modification done to it, and they even gave some new effects just for Ultimatum. As just a few examples, Vaal Ice Nova and Vaal Blade Nove now have two charges, Vaal Earthquake deals significantly more damage and lasts longer, and Vaal Rain of Arrows fires 50% more arrows and has an additional sequence added to the attack. These are just a few of POE Currency made, with dozens more coming with the expansion too.

The more exciting Path of Exile 3.15 extension is coming soon. Players should gradually shift their focus to this. GGG will release it on PC and Mac on July 23, and on PS and Xbox on the 28th. Players on different platforms should calculate the time to prepare early, such as reading more news or buying more POE Currency. Go ahead!
