Exactly. He felt that the pressure to get it.That might have been the legendary hint of time. You didn't was Woox the first player to conquer Zuk. He was the RS gold first player to reach AND defeat Zuk with potions, no food or armor. He took ammunition and weapons AND he did it . He let the dinosaurs ruin the pillars as fast as possible.He pray flicked the entire thing.
He'd have just charms although no gear, although armour and an SGS. Here's the thing, halfway through the series, he said"that this is a bit too simple" and fucking dismantled it.This could be the most alpha move I've ever heard of.It is that the most classically Woox flex of time.He also did not utilize it to start with.It wasn't half way the run. He did not disassemble it .
When that clip came out I was in shock, I remember. Sometimes I still go back and see it in disbelief.Even longer badass he did it after somebody else did 3 capes with no banking. His reasoning was using a no distribution run he can do it"unlimited" times.I may be out of the loop but he did use armour? Unless of course isnt that is ancestral and armadyl believed armour. Also he did have and use pillars in that run.No pillars was distinct run where he'd possess armour, weapons, brews, pots and everything except for pillars.I mean someone could just link the vid that you is without food,he's done another completion without pillars as far as I know nobody has ever done inferno without meals or pillarsNeverthless amazing runs.
Why do men and women kill zuk healers. That looked so much simpler than the people who get dragged by blowpipe.Much reduced dps.It's like 1/2 the dps. I guess that means you'll face more mage/ranger waves since zuk heals more and he will be enraged for longer.But I've seen soo a lot of men and women die due to blowpipe pathing it feels like it'd be well worth it for some. Since spells are the assortment of the bp In addition you get some dps that is raised. And healing so that you don't have to fret about brewing healers.
I think it probably is a fantastic strat for beginners. Almost every time I see somebody doing their very first cape on twitch they overlook ticks that they're probably not even doing their own spreadsheet dps and they brew their range level as they become spooked. If you can get that half dps figure at buy rs gold paypal precisely the same time that is probably going to make your life simpler with more scope, a implementation requirement, and recovery.
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