What occurred Sals?

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Note: Yesterday I bought someone 3M worth of Green D'Hide bodies to the same reason without a hesitation and everything ran RuneScape gold perfectly. Second Notice: I have proof that I'm able to pay for the costs together with not only over 6M in money and character runes but also a Santa Hat in my mind, which, until today, I have been lending for 24 hours to people in Sals CC while I was not playing RuneScape. What occurred Sals? As most of you ought to know, you will find lots of forgotten places in Runescape. Now, this could either mean it has not had a graphical update for years, occasionally it's never ever had new graphics, or, it only has nothing to do there.

The other problem is places and cities simply not being big enough to bother around sometimes, or things that are plain weird. The purpose of this entry would be to promote idea about what might be done to fix this, and also to collect those ideas. To begin with, let's begin with Burthorpe, an important city in Asgarnia, nevertheless, left and left alone for many decades. Burthorpe was once the capital of Asgarnia, until the King fell sick. . I've a surprise for you. It is not in any way grand, there aren't any walls aside from the castle, meaning an attack from the trolls could be devastating, and the castle wall is broken on the side by which trolls would assault, though it does possess scaffolding, however no workers seeking to fix this, or no defenses to protect it?! That's really mad!

Today, a grand city, bigger than Falador with massive walls and two massive gates protecting the entrances, with little rooms to the guards to make java sleep and eat off duty (Or on duty for those lazy ones. .) Would surely make it better, the walls may be black stone. The castle would have a tall, thick, strong tower in each corner, each filled with important rooms. Many houses are inserted to maintain all of the occupants secure, similar style to Falador, but in black. Each one could be a reasonable size and would consist of things for living, a double bed, a bathroom, another bedroom for a young child, a downstairs having a kitchen and dining room plus a bookcase, possibly more, but these are required.

There will be a library and small museum inside the walls of Burthorpe, for it is the capital, it requires learning facilities and then nearby there are a college for the children to visit. Another problem with Burthorpe is the fact that the only lender in Burthorpe (I'm not adding the Warriors Guild as part of Burthorpe) which is in the Thieves den, not great for a Capital city, eh? There could be two banks, North and South. Now, as for city attractions, what would there be? Or a good smithing point for creating weapons and armour? A couple great, specialist shops are great also. I'll leave this for you to choose. Thanks for reading! Just needed to vent: So I had a Slayer assignment for Turoth, also got TWO hints. The first one had about 8 stops, incluing two Wildy coord hints + the critically annoying emote clue in which you have to eliminate all outfitted items in a spot where vampires and leeches constantly attack, then get assaulted by a double agent... for which I obtained two rune c-bows, 41 Nature runes, along cheap OSRS gold with 14 purple firelighters, whoop-te-doo.
