Now in the event that you would like to change the look of the guild

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And the person OSRS Items you wished to add to your clan will need to accept or decline your invitation in a screen like this: If his battle level doesn't meet the prerequisites and he presses the"Accept", button he'll get a message telling that he can not do it. "Clan guild" means that POH portal you need to use to input your Clans Guild. That will be clarified below.

When you've created your Clan you will automatically receive a Clan Guild. Its like all those other guilds in RuneScape (Ranged, Mining, Warrior etc.), however this one is the own and just your clan can enter. In this guild you can build lot's of attractions. For instance, if you've got a PKing clan you are able to build a fighting dungeon such as in ordinary POH's, or if you have a Skilling based clan, you may make a Contest Room with (for example) a Woodcutting Contest Space. Players receive Bronze axes and the one which woodcutts the most logs at a minute wins. Of course you do not get xp and logs are deleted after the competition. You may even add benefits to your own competitions.

Now in the event that you would like to change the look of the guild or move it to various portal, go and speak to your Estate Agent in Varrock. That is the exact same NPC that moves your house or changes is fashion. You may find him north of the entry into Varrock sewers. Ask him about changing the appearance of the guild and it's place and you will be available to alter it for a fee.

Now visit the POH portal site and choose the option"I want to see my own Guild." In the event you would like to stop by the Guild of this clan you have or choose"Go to a clan guild." And compose your clans name if you want to go into a Buy Old School RS Gold guild that you don't own. If your friend has created a guild for his clan,"Pking d00ds", choose the"Go to a clan guild." Option and compose Pking D00ds. If you're the owner of the clan start building the attractions of your Guild.
