Offer you the reputation rewards that were introduced in vanilla WoW's patches

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There's hardly a product on the map that doesn't have some worth and you can use this fact to your benefit. The grey items could be sold for a profit and the white items are stackable and can be used for crafting. This means that anybody will buy them if you place them up for sale at the Auction House TBC Classic Gold, when the purchase price is correct. If you can not be bothered to perform with auctions and you want to avoid the fees, then you can also simply sell those items at the seller. Some of the items you loot increases in value over time and this really is something to consider when you are managing your storage area.

In close connection with the former point, you won't be able to carry much loot in case you don't have a lot of extra storage space available to transport these products. This will allow you to spend additional time looting and leveling and less time managing inventory and running back and forth. Bags are definitely one of the more expensive things and therefore it would be cheaper to find a tailor who will force you to match you with a fresh set of bags in exchange for goods, services or even a smaller cost.

You can also loot fabric that's a fantastic thing to hold on to. Food and drink is going to be some of the most costly items and until you hit level 40 you'll be spending over 15 gold a pop. Nonetheless, you could make good friends with a mage who could conjure these libations to get a price or a prefer or whatever deal you reach. Do not forget that if you go offline for over 15 minutes conjure items will vanish.

It's a common mistake to sell things in the Auction house for significantly less than their Whole value at the Vendors. This is a gold depleting trap and must be avoided like the plague. If you have an item and you plan to sell on the AH for only slightly more than the cost at the sellers buy WOW Classic Burning Crusade Gold, it'd be better to simply sell at the sellers and prevent the price of this AH commission if you don't make a sale.
