Rsgoldfast - if you get your stuff back in RuneScape

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A dead player loses his whip: 1.6M.. . That means you get 160 tokens for just 1 item, while another player also get a good deal of runescape 2007 gold tokens so there'll be after a period of time a massive quantity of ppl waiting before the torso to get a something or you'll need to make a function that the chest will also take a token in case a player doesn't get anything.

I don't understand what you're trying to say? Btw, I enjoy that gravestone, it's helpful for when u die, no more players getting all of your stuff, so I have an addition for your idea. If you expire a gravestone will appear, if your time to get your items, no items will go to the chest, the items which you lose visit the torso.

You should not be in the wildy in case you don't need to loose items. In real life if you become hurt or die you can't return to get your stuff so why if you get your stuff back in RuneScape for making a foolish mistake.

The system makes simply a copy of the items to you would lose if there was not a gravestone and place the copies into the chest: everybody happy, PKer got loot and victim (diminished happy) still obtained his things if he had been in time to receive his items from his gravestone back. But I feel a player ought to be protected from getting killed before he reaches his gravestone so he still have a chance to receive back his stuff when his gravestone collapshis defense from getting killed will be also gone.

This notion means there will likely be getting more and more items in the market so Jagex will make abilities like building which"eats" an quantity of cash or items by being a costly skill. This may bring back RWT and make it even easier so NO. Well, yesterday I had this thought, uhm... Oh well, assess the monsters! So my idea was, to buy RuneScape gold put from the gods theirself in the game!
