Comment on Path of Exile Ultimatum

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As always, there is another boss to fight: the test master himself. In every ultimatum, he usually laughs at everyone's contempt or failure.

The ultimatum alliance mechanism is similar to Ritual 2.0 in many respects. It's like switching to Wii U, you might say. Just like Daniel and Cool Daniel. But maybe the ceremony is just Violation 2.0? In any case, the point is that, like some of the previous mechanics, the ultimatum puts the player in front of waves of monsters. The ultimatum is divided into several rounds, each of which becomes more difficult and provides better POE Currency each time. If you fail at any time, the prize will be forfeited. People can also refuse to continue and accept the rewards they have already received.

This is a huge risk and reward mechanism because it provides players with many choices. Participants can not only choose whether to continue to the next round, but also choose which negative influences they will exert on the new round. Some effects have little effect on specific structures, while others are completely avoided. By choosing three for each round, they can complete the ultimatum and benefit from it, but this is not always the case. The number of rounds seems random, but as the game progresses, the upper limit will increase.

As always, there is another boss to fight: the test master himself. In every ultimatum, he usually laughs at everyone's contempt or failure. If not, he may feel very frustrated because of your success. In general, his personality is one of the highlights of the alliance. I believe this mechanism will be another mechanism added to the list of core mechanisms. Although I hate swelling, I am happy that it will have a place on the path of exile in the near future.

As for the boss battle itself? I can't actually comment. He appears randomly as the tenth round of ultimatum and only happens when Buy POE Currency. Usually, at this point in the league, I really like the red map. But the map has been castrated so that the only red map I can do at level 90 is I bought it from POECurrency. I am so sensitive to what I can do that it is boring.
