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During the following gobbler season, I was busted by turkeys fairly often, sometime

During the following gobbler season, I was busted by turkeys fairly often, sometimes when I didn’t think I should have been. That’s nothing unusual for any turkey hunter, but it suggested that something else must have been happening in that video I saw the day before SHOT. I can’t get away with twitching a finger, but those guys can shoot a turkey, change camera operators, call one back in and kill it too? Hmmmm.

for more info: https://huntingseeker.com/hecs-stealthscreen-suit-review/

Still, I was determined to stick with it. I used my HECS Stealthscreen a lot during three months of deer hunting, and while I had some close calls they were no closer than what other hunters (including myself) have experienced while NOT wearing HECS. And I got spotted pretty quickly on a number of occasions, even when I hadn’t moved at all.


Let me add that I’m no noob. I’ve been hunting deer and other big game for more than 30 years, so I have a pretty good idea of what a hunter can usually expect to get away with while avoiding detection. But during that deer season, I didn’t get away with much of anything.I tried it during the 2016 spring turkey season too, and remained unimpressed.


Now before the HECS fans get up in arms, I’m not saying that HECS doesn’t work. What I’m saying is that it didn’t work for me, and I’ve seen no conclusive proof that it does the job it claims to do (blocking your body’s electrical field, which is allegedly visible to animals).In the interest of fairness, I will add that after I reviewed HECS on another site, the manufacturer
