Rsgoldfast - It is an idea like the cluttered key

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Mods, please read before you decide whether or not to RuneScape gold delete/lock. This isn't a"JaGex u loser bring back the wildy!!! 11!!!" topic. It had been inspired by Soviet's thread in RS Discussions. What if all the levels of the wilderness were brought back, and players could attack eachother again. Obviously, the problem was that RWTs would let themselves be killed by their own customer, and the customer picks up the drops. With this suggestion, once a player is killed, they drop only one of 3 keys.

Lvls 3-55 shed a low level essential, lvls 55-100 drop a moderate secret, and 100+ fall a high lvl key. It is an idea like the cluttered key, just this one would not be tradeable (and far more valuable, too; killing a player is a lot harder than killing a chaos dwarf).

Once a player is killed, their things are deposited into a corresponding chest, either a low, moderate, or high lvl chest. The low level key unlocks the low level torso, etc.. The minimal level chest would be in reduced level wildy, moderate in moderate wildy, etc..

Here is the thing that defeats RWT: The low torso would contain ALL the items that any minimal level killed from that planet would have fallen, the medium chest contains all of the moderate leveled participant falls, etc.. If you kill a player and receive a medium secret, then go to the medium torso, you will get an entirely random set of things from in the torso. You may get anything from full dragon to a couple of empty vials, regardless of what the player you murdered would have dropped.

Obviously, armour, weapons, potions, food, etc is going to be the most common drops (you may even need to limit the food fall, as there are so much more food than anything else). In addition, it may be required to make the chests dangerous and difficult to get to. I would like to see the revenants stay, not as fake pkers, but as the ghostly spirits that take the lost items back to one of the 3 revenant fortresses. The chests are within the revenant fortresses, and the revenants would guard them. The revenants would only be harmful and assault players within the revenant fortresses. I think this combines good'ol pking with a minigame feel. It adds some danger to pking, but pking was plenty risky enough to OSRS buy gold begin with. What do you guys think?
