Toto Ultramax II Toilet

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1) It’s an ADA-height toilet and as such 2 inches higher than a normal toilet hence most ideal for disability, elderly and taller people to sit on and get off comfortably without putting too much strain on the knees.
2) It’s a one-piece toilet so it is easy to install (just need to

Toto MS604114CEFG-01 Ultramax II Reviews

Flushing down waste completely after each toilet session is absolutely no problem for the Toto MS604114CEFG-01 Ultramax II Toilet that’s all about flushing power for satisfying results beyond comparison. This top rated toilet from Toto incorporates Double Cyclone Flushing System featuring dual-nozzle (instead of rim holes) water propulsion system to create a strong centrifugal action for a cleaner bowl and rim wash as well as to allow for more water to be directed to the siphon plus with 2-1/4-inch computer-designed trapway used for larger bulk waste removal, waste will be cleared cleanly from the bowl with each flush (while using just 1.28 gallons of water per flush) that makes for better toilet hygiene while experiencing no clogging whatsoever for utmost satisfaction. What’s fantastic about this Toto MS604114CEFG-01 Ultramax II toilet is that its ceramic china is coated with catalyzed ion inside out to obtain super-smooth SanaGloss glaze surface to inhibit growth and sticking of bacteria, debris, mold and particles for durability to last a lifetime and easier cleaning (without the need to use chemicals) using less water each time and for added satisfaction, includes lid and comfortable SoftClose seat that’s constructed of high-gloss, high-impact polypropylene plastic (for resistance to chemicals and cleaning agents) utilizing built-in SoftClose hinge system to lower seat down to the bowl quietly and softly thereby eliminating “Toilet Seat Slam” to reduce injury. For efficient waste removal that cleans everything without leaving any trace behind, the Toto MS604114CEFG-01 Ultramax II toilet offers the perfect solution without doubt.
