There is a crypt south-west of this that's a burial chamber

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Desert Secrets. Deep in the heart of the desert, the demon Azzanadra requires your help to aid in finding the lost tomb of his RuneScape 2107 gold master. In this new quest, you will encounter dangerous traps, shocking suprises, and haunting secrets that nobody has understood for over a million decades! Can you uncover these Desert Keys?

The Crypt. In case you've completed Desert Treasure, at any random point, Azzanadra will appear and summon you into his pyramid. Welcome, adventurer. I am in need of your help once again. What do you really want this moment?

However, I fear it's not of the realm. There is a crypt south-west of this that's a burial chamber for the bold Zarosian warriors who perished in this desert fighting off the gloomy Zamorakians. Thus, you want me to explore? I am certain that few know of this tomb. Also, there is an object of fantastic importance that was buried with King Alirin, among the warriors who dropped to the Zamorakians. It is a pendant, my pendant, I gave to him about the day that he was crowned.

I'll find it for you. So you want the necklace back? I discover that the times call for it's use once again. I will find it, don't worry. Many thanks, adventurer. Come back with all haste. Take this Talisman to locate the location. You are able to'Use,''Destroy,' and'Locate' with this Talisman. If you apply the'Locate' option, the Talisman will tug to whatever way buy RuneScape gold the Crypt entrance is in (it is location will be told soon).
