The pursuit seems somewhat rushed

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The pursuit seems somewhat rushed, and the way the NPCs talk does not sound like real people. Also, I believe like the pursuit is somewhat illogical. If you have to RS gold set a town guard, why do you visit Sedridor? When I didn't have a guide, I'd be looking for hours, then likely give up, till one day I happened to speak with Sedridor and I noticed the choice for the pursuit.

If there is no logical path, then there is no reason to move there. Would not it make more sense to go to Sir Amik Varze, King Roald, or even the Duke of Lumbridge if you want to set up a guard? Even that one knight in Varrock who is in charge of the guard.

Secondly, there's no good reason for Sigmund to be there. The HAM narrative is deeply involving Dorgeshuun, and no one wishes to kill the main bad guy in an entirely unrelated pursuit, what would the last one be around? There's no purpose too, having Sigmund there additional nothing to the plotline of this pursuit. What's the Wise Old Man there? He murdered! The Swan Song was his last foray prior to retirment, since that is exactly what Swan Song means. Again, having there didn't actually include anything, you were much better off taking an NPC from the pursuit.

I see no reason to RuneScape gold buy do the assassin minigame after. If we count summmoning into the film, the highest quantity of cash you can ever get from it is 1380 gp, which is not worthwhile whatsoever. From the time you're able to kill the level 150 from the quest, that quantity of cash is not worth trekking around the world to discover a level 50 assassin. At precisely the same time, it doesn't deserve a greater benefit, since it would be much too simple. It's really kind of pointless as it is. I believe the idea as a whole is great, but it requires a lot of polishing. As a side note, assassin is spelled with four s' total.
