Mineral creatures I command you to RuneScape

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Next talk with Commander Veldaban again, who will inform you that rs 2007 gold Warriors have been coming from the caves and Dondaken needs your help to stop them. Head to Dondaken and he will beg you to kill the current four Gold Warriors, level 62, and then Dondaken will tell you that an old wizard may be able to help you stop them permanantly, so head to Hazelmere who can"look to your mind" and give you a glimpse. Head back to Dondaken and You'll read the following article:

Bellua minutor imperium ego Abeo Quod Desino Res!!! English Translation: Mineral creatures I command you to turn back to your own department and end your existance. Smokin' Joe and Keldagrim's Rat Infestation. Speak with Smokin' Joe and he'll tell you that rats have started to pile in the city, luckily he managed to make a little cage around each one of the three holes to slow them down. Smokin' Joe will inform you that you need to block the holesand he can make steel planks if you deliver him steel bars.

Proceed to each of the holes and use 2 Steel Planks on them, then use Mithril Nails or better on them. Each board takes 7 Nails. Now that you have blocked the rat holes, then you want your cat to hunt the rest of the rats. Now while your cat is hunting the rats down, head over to the market and 24 Chaos Dwarves will look, every level 48, 12 on both sides of the marketplace. Slay all 24 Chaos Dwarves then head over to the bank and become prepared for the final showdown.

Showdown using a Shaman. Before having the ability to even damage this Shaman you will need to make a potion. Take a Vial of Water, add Guam Leaf into it, then add Jangerberries, afterwards insert Ground Bat Bones. As soon as you are ready head upstairs into the middle of this Consortium, where an Ogre Shaman dressed in red will look and start casting spells on the business supervisors to make them neglect.

Time for the last bout, contrary to a levell 250 Ogre Shaman. Keep in mind your protection prayers only operate on 1/5th of the Shamans strikes.He will ask you to learn what goes there. Proceed to the mirrors and ask Eblis about a grave underneath the pyramid of Azzandria. He will tell you of an early King name Orien, and buy RuneScape gold that Orien was the first follower of Zaros that will use the Ancient Magicks.
