It is going to be frustrating

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Those germs look like the main barrier in the way of Blizzard putting C'Thun to wow classic gold in his original form. But here's my pitch: Leave 'em in.

Yup, it is going to be frustrating if your lead dps gets hitched unfairly, but this is Classic. The game's already an unbalanced relic, and the people knee deep at the beautiful mess are all thirsting for a drop of that old frustration. I refuse to believe a neighborhood that enjoys grinding farming and honor Scarlet Monastery would be put off with two or three bug-induced raid wipes.

For one more perspective on C'Thun I wanted to speak with a normal raiding guild, one which came to AQ40 ready but to a far lesser extent than people that I spoke to. Merrilia is a officer from Dopamin. Even this guild, the type of guild you might find on any server filled with regular gamers, would be eager to attempt a pre-nerf C'Thun run, albeit with some of those pesky bugs eliminated. "Pre-nerf C'Thun are interesting to test out," Merrilia explained. "That said it depends upon how many'bugs' are contained in the nerf version and when those bugs were too game breaking to allow for a kill in any way."

Ultimately, that the pre-nerf C'Thun experience is as much a component of Classic WoW as farming devilsaur leather, or fending off rogues in world PvP. It's part of the legend of this sport, something never bested by gamers in the moment. Every person I've asked said they'd be considering taking on the challenge, by the mega raiders, to a average joe.

Outside of this game's launch, this update will bring more items, quests, and changes to Classic than any other stage before it. Along with using a massive"war effort" which will require members of the Alliance and Horde to collect resources for cheap wow gold classic a struggle against the Qiraj Empire, players can get access to new bosses and loot out of dungeons they've been running for nearly a year now.
