Instead, we have pulled another linguistic switcharoo.

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Plus the entire thing started because a bunch of Animal Crossing Items people were complaining about orcs being racist because they're DD depiction of black people seemingly, even though individuals are a distinct race...

I mean if your in a group where the half orc is ignored today, than it had been probably going to be ignored before. It is up to the player to detirmine what they desire from the racial choice, and the dm to apply those decisions on.The first time that I saw this I legit did not get it. . .its because the personality is a color darker? Do not these folks have real issues to worry about?

Should you inform your DM that you wish to be a half-orc, and come to the table having an notion of what that means from a roleplaying perspective, without having talked to the DM about it, along with your experience differs from what you anticipated, than that's in you.It seems less like"caving to SJW's" and much more like just leaning into allowing good homebrew. A number of the current changes seem to be in the direction of helping you play however you need, while helping you never break game balance. As a rules-are-just-guidelines player, this can be super welcome.

Wow, my personality in the game I have at the moment is fighting for orc rights but im not being a dick about it. Its more that I have a team with extreme murderer characters who like to epidermis orcs and cut of their feet once we defeat them. I didnt even understand people legitimately whined about"orc racism"

Hell, you are not even permitted to genuinely empathize with people anymore. You know, what we've spent years building up to society and our treatment toward each other.

Now it is"You can't understand or speak about this issue unless you've got the perfect identification designation." All the years of work you put into to bridge the gap of human experience by putting in the effort to understand other people's experiences? Invalid.

Instead, we have pulled another linguistic switcharoo. The word"compassion" now means"sympathy" so that empathizing means embracing the correct narrative based on the mob's emotional appeal.

I am really really none of these conspiracy nut jobs however this needs to be some kind of concerted effort from the men and women who gain most from us notbeing better to one another.

Like we spent decades trying to just understand and accept each other as fellow human beings, the LGBT movement has been launched and focused solely on making it known that they are like everyone else and deserve the same rights, they just wanted to be viewed as regular people who happen to also be homosexual. We are not distinct because of our skin colour so treat us as humans has become give me special status... now suddenly everything is appropriation, everything is no I'm unique because of buy Animal Crossing New Horizons Bells X thing about myself which is immutable and that I did absolutely nothing to earn respect but you will respect me for this anyway.
