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This team installment has always worked well for me, but there are likely better setups. I'll probably get rid of the Merchants shortly and get more particular crew members or OSRS gold something because frankly I very rarely use Merchants. I used them only when I was collecting trade goods to make the armours. In Terms of the Captains, I never cared much about the Speed stat. I have 1 Morale, two Seafaring, and two Combat Captains of the maximum tier readily available to me at present. (actually, I Believe I unlocked a new tier recently but haven't found any of the newest Capts yet)

Together with eoc, weapons are significantly more important than skills in determining how much damage you can do. Pick either Attack or Power, and train it without touching another. An attack pure benefits from being able to utilize high tier weapons such as gods words, chaotic maul, along with the Noxious scythe, and using these weapons can strike with high accuracy and harm against opponents wearing armor.

In EOC they have access to these skills Barge and Slaughter which are essential for attacking goals who try to run away, or the Special Attacks of AGS or Claws for heritage. A strength pure has only one workable weapon, which is that the lv60 Tzharr-ket-om, but can deal more damage per battle level with normal attacks compared to other types of pures. Although strength pures may have precision issues against opponents wearing armour, they can deal more harm than attack pures against opponents with lv1 defence.

Getting to lv60 strength takes less time than 75/80/90 assault so that you can begin PKing faster, and mauls are incredibly cheap to replace if you lose it on death. Strength pures have access to the powerful Berserk capability but will have to put money into a few attack levels to Buy RS gold use a few of the more useful Attack abilities in eoc, and totally lack a distinctive attack in Legacy. Defence levels can be completely ignored in heritage, but in eoc that the Freedom ability is indispensable.
