How to get One person company registration in JP Nagar?

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“OPC Company registration in JP Nagar” One Person Company implies an organization that has just a single individual as a part. An OPC has delegated a privately owned business under the Companies Act. OPC has all advantages of a private restricted organization, for example, shielding in

“OPC Company registration in JP Nagar” One Person Company implies an organization that has just a single individual as a part. An OPC has delegated a privately owned business under the Companies Act. OPC has all advantages of a private restricted organization, for example, shielding individual resources from business risk, separate lawful substance, and never-ending progression. One Person Company (OPC) is a Company enlisted with ONLY ONE PERSON as its investor. A-One Person Company can have controlled by Only a trademark person who is Resident in India and a Citizen of India. No corporate component can be as financial specialist (owner) of a Person Company. There is no base settled up capital limitation for One Person Company however the greatest capital is confined to Fifty Lakhs and the most extreme turnover can be just Two Crores. If any of these conditions i.e., most noteworthy capital or most outrageous turnover is crossed, One Person Company is expected to get convert itself into a public association or an exclusive business. One Person Company isn't permitted to take any accomplice (Shareholder) inside a long time from the date of enlistment. After finishing two years, it tends to be changed over into a standard private restricted organization by adding an investor. On the off chance that the OPC is crossing the most extreme cut-off measures, it needs to change over as referenced previously 


Advantages of One Person Company 

Till the introduction of OPC registration service provider in JP Nagar, the Limited Liability and Continuous Existence feature were just open to a relationship of individuals, for instance, a Private Limited Company or Limited Liability Partnership or a Limited Company. With the presentation of One Person Company, the restricted obligation, and constant presence highlight is currently additionally accessible for One Person Company, which is a substance with only one part. As One Person Company has only one part, it is required by the law for the single individual from the Company to assign someone else in the Memorandum of Association, who on the occasion of endorser's passing or insufficiency will turn into the individual to contract. This instrument gives a satisfactory shield to guarantee the nonstop presence of the substance even if there should arise an occurrence of weakening of the single part. All associations in India are expected to hold a yearly standard assembling each year, despite some different social affairs and not more than fifteen months should pass between the dates of resulting yearly comprehensive gatherings. One Person Company is excluded from holding a yearly comprehensive gathering or phenomenal comprehensive gatherings. The goal endorsed by the single Director and went into the minutes book is adequate, instead of a General/Extraordinary General Meeting. 

Each organization in India is needed to get ready and document fiscal summaries that incorporate asset report, benefit and misfortune account, income articulation, the proclamation of changes in value, and logical notes. If there should be an occurrence of One Person Company, income explanation isn't needed.


Archives needed for OPC Registration

The head of the OPC ought to present the examined records/duplicates of the accompanying archives required for OPC enlistment

  • PAN card or Passport 
  • Passport, for NRIs and Foreign Nationals 
  • Scanned record of Driver's License or Voter's ID 
  • Updated gas or power receipt/Bank account Statement/Mobile or landline telephone receipt 
  • Specimen mark or impression 
  • passport-sized photograph 

Note: The initial 3 records ought to act naturally validated by the OPC chief. All the reports for a far off public or an NRI should be authorized (if living in India or a non-Commonwealth country as of now) or apostilled (if living in a Commonwealth country as of now).


How to get OPC Registration Consultants in JP Nagar?

Do you want to get OPC registration in JP Nagar, Karnataka? Then we are the top company incorporation service provider in Bangalore. feel free to send your inquiry to or feel free to contact: 7975187793 or visit
