I ceased back in buy gold wow classic us

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Amen. Looking forward to wow classic gold starting fresh largely to get an economy that is not f'ed up. And also start banning RMTers.If you want such an environment, pservers are the only area you'll find it. You absolutely won't get it out of blizzard.

Amen. Looking forward to wow classic gold starting fresh largely to get an economy that is not f'ed up. And also start banning RMTers.If you want such an environment, pservers are the only area you'll find it. You absolutely won't get it out of blizzard. If you or anyone else needs information on a fresh vanilla pserver with proven and trustworthy management launching in the near-moderate future, pm me.

All you can hope for at this point is an enjoyable launch and grind to 60, subsequently deleted your character and move on.Byebye 50% or more of the playerbase. I could get people banned with a easy microtransaction with a single click.

In case a one or ban for it is sufficient for those players to stop, then clearly they're so hooked on RMT they're never gonna play without it anyways. Fantastic riddance.

My God you are a moron.Yes . I'd happily waste $20 from you and reduce a gold sellers inventory for 30 days.See that I had that mindset about not playing, I ceased back in buy gold wow classic us retail WOTLK cause I saw that the downhill direction of the match, I didn't look at the game till recently.

Ends up that the majority of people enjoy purchasing games which have a in sport money shop with a expansion you need to purchase with a subscription you have to pay to deal with bots. To start with, it had been. You may want to check this sub for several warnings from pirated host players about DMT farm gold injection which has lead to 300+ gold flasks etc. etc..
